King The Land Episode 8 Recap & Ending Explained, Review

歡迎來到王之國第八集劇情king the land episode 8

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Korean Drama – King the Land Episode 8 recap

King The Land Episode 8 Recap & Ending Explained, Review

👑 King The Land Episode 8 recap : Gu Won intentionally claims that the all-white outfit is worn by the most important and prestigious person on the field, which prompts the Arabian prince to snatch it and wear it. In the end, he realizes that he has been tricked by Gu Won and becomes furious.

However, Gu Won doesn’t care because he only cares about being able to experience a wedding with Cheon Sa-Rang. Cheon Sa-Rang knows very well that Gu Won is jealous~ Due to his relationship with Cheon Sa-Rang, Gu Won starts working hard to strengthen himself because he now has someone he wants to protect.

At night, Gu Won prepares a luxurious suite for Cheon Sa-Rang but she just wants to go out and eat instant noodles. It’s at this moment that Gu Won discovers how delicious this commoner’s snack can be. Da-Eul’s husband is so lazy even their daughter can’t stand it.

The next day, Cheon Sa-Rang and Gu Won are invited by the prince to attend a banquet but unfortunately, the prince asks Gu Won to serve as a waiter claiming that Cheon Sa-Rang deserves high-class table service.

👑Gu won never expected that the prince would propose marriage to Cheon Sa-Rang but she uses her tactics to deflect his pursuit which brings both him and the prince closer together. In short, this time around the prince is very happy while Gu won fulfills his promise of representing excellence in hotel appearance until the last moment for Cheon Sa-rang’s sake.

On another note, Oh Pyeong-Hwa works hard selling duty-free goods but ends up getting injured due to her team leader’s sarcastic remarks forcing her into speculative practices for sales performance.
In order for himslef grow stronger, GU won decides take on responsibility of organizing 100th anniversary celebration event.

He also makes it clear to Gu Hwa-Ran that he will protect all the employees who have been mistreated by her. Because of this, Gu Won is now in competition with Gu Hwa-Ran.

👑Gu Won goes to the sauna looking for Cheon Sa-Rang and unintentionally ends up promoting duty-free goods with her. Later on, Cheon Sa-Rang realizes that this is illegal and hopes Oh Pyeong-Hwa won’t betray her conscience like this again.

Gu Won also knows that this issue lies within the King Group and doesn’t blame anyone specifically but silently wishes to change such unfair systems.

Da-Eul and Oh Pyeong-Hwa urge Gu Won to confess his feelings to Cheon Sa-Rang so he takes the initiative to ask her out on a date and even prepares a meal himself just so he can experience what it feels like for Cheon Sa-rang when she serves someone at work, acknowledging her efforts.

King the Land Episode 8 review

👑King The Land Episode 8 Review: I really liked how in this episode of “King The Land,” the writer used two contrasting scenes – Gu Won’s personal sauna experience versus the steam room scene – through Gu Won’s perspective we understand that although one can enjoy high-end saunas alone, they can be lonely. On the other hand, in a steam room there are delicious tea eggs and ice as well as interactions with others~

This warmth is something he has never experienced before. Additionally, here he learns about Oh Pyeong-Hwa’s suffering due to strange policies within King Group. It’s as if Gu Won disguises himself as an emperor going incognito to understand what ordinary people worry about or face unfair treatment.

Therefore, in the final moments of Episode 8 of “King The Land,” Gu Won cooks for Cheon Sa-Rang and serves her personally; it shows his genuine understanding of serving someone wholeheartedly, a feeling that those in power never truly comprehend. Hence, Gu Won is really making an effort to empathize with his employees.

Btw, Is the Indian actor who plays the Arabian prince also Ali from “Squid Game”? He’s wearing the same clothes as number 199 in Squid Game! 
