Black Mirror Demon 79 Explained(Detailed) & Review


Black Mirror Demon 79 explained: The writer deliberately marked it as “Red Mirror” instead of Black Mirror at the beginning, indicating that this episode is intentionally distinguished from Black Mirror. The writer stated that the tone of this episode is different from Black Mirror but adjacent to it because Black Mirror usually satirizes media or presents a dystopian view of technology.

However, viewers will find that “Demon 79” seems out of place with Black Mirror and even lacks the so-called “technological elements,” but rather has a larger supernatural element. I don’t know if the writer intends to create a mirror universe, but if they have new ideas for universes, I think it’s good because their works are strange enough to be liked by people.

Black Mirror Demon 79 Explained(Detailed) & Review
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Black Mirror Demon 79 Explained(Detailed)

Black Mirror Demon 79 Explained(Detailed) & Review

Demon 79 review 1:Satirical acts of racism.

In Black Mirror Demon 79″ the writer takes us back to northern England in 1979. The story is set against a backdrop of rampant racism and hostility towards immigrants. This toxic environment is directed at Needa, an Indian immigrant who faces discrimination from colleagues and politicians alike. The writer deliberately chose this setting to create a character with inner turmoil in a fallen world.

Several characters in “Demon 79” exhibit obvious racist attitudes towards Needa, creating an unfriendly living environment around her. For example, Needa’s colleague Vicky constantly mentions her race in strange ways out of jealousy that clients prefer Needa over her due to her “white privilege.” She acts like a “wage thief” but still wants all the praise and attention.

Even Needa’s boss behaves similarly by calling her food abnormal before rushing off to eat lunch in the basement. Then there’s politician Michael who is clearly a racist fascist intent on destroying his country for political ambition – I won’t go into further detail here.

Throughout the plot of “Demon 79” many fragments and scenes depict how Needa has no sense of existence within this society. For instance, when she often daydreams inside shoe stores at the beginning of this episode as if experiencing Gaap’s feeling of non-existence.

This kind of living environment can be psychologically damaging for anyone little by little. Therefore, one key point in this episode is that Needa must choose someone as a sacrifice while Gaap keeps inciting her emotions because she feels angry about this evil world.

Demon 79 review 2: Is Gaap Real?

“Exiled to the boundless void of the universe, destined to be forever trapped in a vacuum of nothingness without matter, time, space, light or sound. I have to endure profound and obvious non-existence for eternity alone.”
“It sounds like me.”
“When you touch the talisman, there must be some dark side in your heart. There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” when portraying Needa, the screenwriter makes viewers question whether Gaap really exists or if it’s just another manifestation of her mental health issues.

Especially with how the director presents it from Needa’s perspective on-screen; we feel that Gaap truly exists but looking at Needa from a third-person point-of-view only makes us think she is talking to herself.

Therefore, what sets Demon 79 apart is its two different interpretations regarding whether Gaap actually exists or not – ultimately depicting how everyday racial discrimination can lead someone into psychological breakdowns.

There was one scene where the director zoomed in on Needa reading Creative Visualization published in 1978 which aims to educate people about cognitive processes involved in generating mental imagery and changing perceptions towards their surroundings.

The director initially used this method as a way for viewers to understand why Needa has revenge fantasies against those who mistreat her; symbolizing how she tries hard not let negative emotions get out of control by using techniques taught by Creative Visualization book instead.

Actually, this is also why Gaap made a small sarcastic remark to Needa saying “When you touch the protective charm, there must be some dark side in your heart. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Needa’s violent imagination towards Keith and Vicky is just the manifestation and suppression of her own darkness.

Therefore, in Needa’s subconscious mind, there was already that evilness which led her to desire summoning Gaap at the first time. Perhaps Gaap appeared because Needa had reached a critical point in her inner world and needed an additional role to support her thoughts.

picture source:screenpotatoes

Demon 79 ending explained

I believe that the writer’s intention was not to have viewers debate whether Gaap is real or not, nor to argue about Needa’s mental health. Instead, it was meant to provide an open-ended imagination for viewers, especially with Needa’s failed sacrifice mission and the nuclear bomb dropping down to destroy the world in “Demon 79″‘s ending.

This completely subverted my expectations because viewers will find out that Needa did not only fail to kill off her most hated potential victim (only killing Keith), but also that she did not actually want to kill those closest around her like Vicky or her boss. Initially, Gaap seemed like a manifestation of what Needa wanted as an outlet for violence – removing every racist on this planet – but ultimately stopped by her own kindness.

I think what the writer wants us to know is that whether or not Needa succeeds does not matter in the end because her killings were never really at the heart of this episode; rather it was about finding a sense of belonging and existence between herself and Gaap.

Although both seem lost in life, they found each other. Therefore, perhaps Gaap isn’t even a real demon after all but instead another resonating character imagined by Needa as part of another world she created for herself through visualization techniques from reading “Creative Visualization: Use The Power Of Your Imagination To Create What You Want In Your Life.”

From early on, we see how repeatedly telling Gaap “I’m dreaming” while Vicky cruelly tells Needa “If you think you can handle wearing this outfit then you’re dreaming.” So if everything from meeting Gaap and experiencing doomsday along with Michael’s mission are all just products of Needa’s imagination then maybe this apocalyptic outcome could be something she intentionally dreamed up so she could destroy this world and let Gaap take her to another place to live.

This could be Needa’s way of self-preservation without hurting anyone and still having a place for herself. Of course, on the other hand, if all of this is real and Needa did meet Gaap while desperately searching for a sacrifice victim – that’s up to viewers’ interpretation as there is no standard answer.